“Speeding is a choice, not a necessity.” – Anonymous

“Speed limits exist for a reason: your safety.” – Unknown

“Life is not a race, slow down and enjoy the journey.” – Unknown

“Speeding won’t save time if it costs a life.” – Unknown

“Drive like every car is the one your loved ones are in.” – Unknown

“Arriving second is better than not arriving at all.” – Unknown

“Drive fast, get fined. Drive reckless, get killed.” – Unknown

“Don’t let impatience be the reason for someone’s pain.” – Unknown

“Your destination is worth the wait, slow down.” – Unknown

“Speed kills the joy of the ride.” – Unknown

“When you speed, you trade the safety of yourself and others for a few extra seconds.” – Unknown

“The roads are not race tracks, slow down and save lives.” – Unknown

“Speeding doesn’t make you a skilled driver, it makes you a dangerous one.” – Unknown

“Life is too short to rush, enjoy the journey.” – Unknown

“A moment of impatience behind the wheel can cause a lifetime of regret.” – Unknown

“Excessive speed is an invitation to disaster.” – Unknown LOVE FEEL QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Speeding is not just breaking the law, it’s breaking a promise to keep others safe.” – Unknown

“The only racing you should do on the road is with your heartbeat – stay alive!” – Unknown

“Your loved ones are waiting for you, don’t risk their happiness for a few seconds.” – Unknown

“You never know when the person you endanger on the road could be your own family member.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your hurry hurt someone else.” – Unknown

“Save your speed for the tracks, not the streets.” – Unknown

“Speed limits are not suggestions, they are safeguards.” – Unknown

“The faster you drive, the sooner you’ll meet danger.” – Unknown

“Smart drivers don’t need the thrill of speed to feel alive.” – Unknown

“It’s not about how fast you can drive; it’s about how safe and responsible you can be.” – Unknown

“No one should have to pay the price for your impatience.” – Unknown

“Being reckless behind the wheel will never lead to a happy ending.” – Unknown

“Speeding doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a fool.” – Unknown

“Driving faster won’t make you a hero, obeying the rules will.” – Unknown