“The truth will always come out, no matter how hard someone tries to hide it.” – Unknown

“Truth may be silent for a while, but it doesn’t stay silent forever.” – Unknown

“No matter how long it takes, the truth will eventually reveal itself.” – Unknown

“Lies may have a short lifespan, but the truth is eternal.” – Unknown

“The truth may be delayed, but it can never be denied.” – Unknown

“You can’t manipulate the truth forever; it has a way of exposing itself.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the truth takes time, but it will always find its way to the surface.” – Unknown

“Truth has a habit of surfacing when you least expect it.” – Unknown

“The truth doesn’t need anyone to defend it; it only needs time to be revealed.” – Unknown

“The truth is like a seed; even when buried, it eventually sprouts and grows.” – Unknown

“The truth hides in plain sight, waiting for those willing to see it.” – Unknown

“Lies may cover the truth temporarily, but they can never extinguish it completely.” – Unknown

“The truth is a persistent force, always pushing through layers of deception.” – Unknown HIGH QUOTES THAT MAKE YOU THINK

“No matter how deeply buried, the truth will always find a way to surface.” – Unknown

“The truth is relentless; it will never stop trying to break free.” – Unknown

“The truth is like a river; it may get diverted, but it will always find its way back to the right path.” – Unknown

“Truth is a powerful force; it cannot be silenced forever.” – Unknown

“Truth has an uncanny ability to expose itself when lies become unbearable.” – Unknown

“Truth is patient; it waits until the right moment to reveal itself.” – Unknown

“The truth remains constant even when people attempt to twist and distort it.” – Unknown

“The truth stands tall while lies crumble beneath its weight.” – Unknown

“The truth cannot be altered or hidden; it will break free and make itself known.” – Unknown

“No matter how much misinformation is spread, the truth will eventually come to light.” – Unknown

“Truth doesn’t need publicity to thrive; it only requires time to be discovered.” – Unknown

“The truth is a resilient flame that cannot be extinguished by falsehoods.” – Unknown