“Love is blind, they say; sex is impervious to reason and mocks the power of all philosophers.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“They say love is blind, but I think it’s more accurate to say that love blurs our perspective.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind because it sees beyond the surface and embraces the flaws.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, but sometimes it’s our blindness that leads us to love.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind because it doesn’t see the faults or imperfections, it only sees the beauty within.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but if it is, it’s only because it chooses to ignore the flaws and focus on the positives.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it allows us to see beyond outer appearances and connect with a person’s soul.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I believe it allows us to see the best in others, even when they can’t see it in themselves.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I think it’s more like love opens our eyes to a whole new world.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it takes us by surprise and makes us see things in a different light.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind because it doesn’t discriminate based on age, race, or social status.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it doesn’t see the flaws or imperfections, only the potential for greatness.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but in reality, it just sees straight to the heart.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it allows us to overlook the shortcomings and focus on the beauty within.” – Unknown HAPPY COUPLE ANNIVERSARY QUOTES

“They say love is blind because it makes us see the person we love as perfect, flaws and all.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it makes us see the good in someone even when others can’t.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I believe it’s more like love gives us the courage to look beyond the flaws and embrace the person’s true essence.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it doesn’t see differences, only similarities.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I believe it’s more like it gives us a new vision, allowing us to see beyond what the eyes can perceive.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it allows us to look past the superficial and connect on a deeper level.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I think it actually sharpens our senses and makes us more aware of the other person’s needs and desires.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it enables us to see the best in someone, no matter what.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I believe it’s more like love gives us sight where there was none before.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it allows us to see the person’s inner beauty, regardless of their outward appearance.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but I believe it’s more like it gives us a new perspective, one that allows us to see the world through the eyes of the person we love.” – Unknown

“Love is blind, they say, because it has the power to overcome any obstacle or difference.” – Unknown