“Time wasted is existence; used time is life.” – Sunday Adelaja

“The trouble is, you think you have time.” – Buddha

“Don’t waste your time on people who don’t value it.” – Unknown

“The greatest waste of time is regretting the past.” – Anonymous

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” – Marthe Troly-Curtin

“The biggest waste of time is doing things that don’t align with your goals.” – Unknown

“Time is precious, waste it wisely.” – Unknown

“Time stands still when you’re wasting it.” – Anonymous

“Time is too valuable to waste on negative people.” – Joel Osteen

“Wasting time is robbing oneself.” – Unknown

“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.” – Henry Van Dyke

“Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin

“The only way to waste time is by thinking you have plenty of it.” – Unknown DAUGHTER AND MOTHER QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.” – Alan Saporta

“Time is a gift that most people don’t appreciate until it’s gone.” – Unknown

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” – Theophrastus

“Wasting time on regret won’t change the past, but it will ruin the present.” – Unknown

“Procrastination is the thief of time.” – Edward Young

“Time is too important to waste on trivial matters.” – Unknown

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” – William Penn

“Quit wasting time on things that don’t matter, and start investing it in what truly does.” – Unknown

“The biggest waste of time is spending it with the wrong people.” – Unknown

“Lost time is never recovered; use it wisely.” – Unknown

“Stop wasting your time chasing what went wrong and start focusing on what can go right.” – Unknown