“True friends are supposed to lift you up, not tear you down.”

“Sometimes the people we trust the most are the ones who hurt us the deepest.”

“A friend’s betrayal hurts more than any other pain because it stems from a place of trust.”

“When a friend hurts you, it reveals their true character and allows you to evaluate the authenticity of your bond.”

“It’s important to remember that friendships can change, and sometimes it’s necessary to let go when they become toxic.”

“A true friend may hurt you unintentionally, but they will always apologize and try to make amends.”

“When a friend intentionally hurts you, it’s a stark reminder that not everyone deserves your loyalty.”

“Don’t let the actions of a few toxic friends overshadow the beauty of real friendships.”

“When a friend hurts you, it’s essential to communicate your feelings and give them a chance to make things right, but also to set healthy boundaries.”

“Life is too short to waste your energy on friends who consistently hurt and disappoint you.”

“Sometimes walking away from a toxic friendship is the best act of self-care you can do.”

“A friend who constantly hurts you doesn’t deserve a place in your life; it’s time to make room for healthier connections.”

“It takes strength to forgive a friend who has hurt you, but it takes even more strength to let them go.” SARCASTIC WORK COLLEAGUE QUOTES

“A friend’s betrayal can be a valuable life lesson that teaches you to trust your gut instinct and choose your friends wisely.”

“Don’t allow the pain caused by a friend’s betrayal to define your worth; surround yourself with people who appreciate and respect you.”

“A friend who repeatedly hurts you is not a friend at all, but a lesson on self-worth and standing up for yourself.”

“Sometimes it’s better to have a few truly loyal friends than a large group who hurt you continually.”

“It’s okay to mourn the loss of a friendship, but it’s vital to remember your own self-worth and surround yourself with positive relationships.”

“A true friend may cause you pain, but they will also be there to help you heal and grow from it.”

“The depth of a friend’s betrayal is directly proportional to the trust you placed in them.”

“When a friend hurts you, don’t let bitterness consume you. Focus on building stronger and healthier connections.”

“True friends may hurt you, but they will always strive to make things right and earn your trust back.”

“Choose friends who will stand by your side even when they’ve hurt you, as they understand the value of your relationship.”

“Friendships should be built on respect, support, and kindness, not hurtful actions and words.”

“When a friend hurts you, don’t let it harden your heart. Remember that not everyone is capable of being a good friend.”