“Sometimes, the people you thought were your friends turn out to be your worst enemies.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark.” – Unknown

“When your friends start hating on you, it’s a sign they’re no longer worth keeping around.” – Unknown

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“True friends are with you even when it feels like everyone else is against you.” – Unknown

“Be careful who you trust, even salt looks like sugar.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the biggest betrayals come from those closest to us.” – Unknown

“It’s better to have an enemy who openly admits they hate you than a friend who secretly wishes your downfall.” – Unknown

“When your friends turn against you, it’s a clear sign that they were never true friends in the first place.” – Unknown

“Don’t be sad when fake friends leave, be glad they showed their true colors.” – Unknown

“True friends will never hate you; they’ll support you and stay by your side no matter what.” – Unknown

“Those who secretly hate you will try to bring you down, but their efforts will never succeed if you stay strong.” – Unknown HAPPINESS JESUS QUOTES

“It hurts the most when the people you thought would never hurt you, end up being the ones who hurt you the most.” – Unknown

“If your friends hate you, it’s time to surround yourself with new friends who appreciate and respect you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the hardest part of letting go is realizing that the person you thought was a friend never really was.” – Unknown

“When people show you who they truly are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

“Hate from your friends is painful, but it’s a reminder to value true friendship and not waste your time on toxic relationships.” – Unknown

“Your true friends will never hate you; they will always love and support you, no matter the circumstances.” – Unknown

“If your friends hate you out of jealousy, it’s a sign you’re doing something right.” – Unknown

“Don’t be surprised when your friends hate you for your success; envy is a tough feeling to handle.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the people who are supposed to lift you up end up tearing you down.” – Unknown

“A true friend will never hate you; they will always stick by your side and help you through any difficult situation.” – Unknown