“Thank you, God, for the countless blessings and for always being by my side.”

“I am grateful to God for all the beautiful moments in my life.”

“Every day I wake up, I am thankful to God for the gift of life.”

“Thank you, Lord, for the strength and courage you provide during difficult times.”

“God, I am thankful for your love and guidance that keep me on the right path.”

“In every season of my life, God’s hand has been evident. I am forever grateful.”

“I thank God for the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and grow into a better person.”

“Thank you, God, for the amazing people you have brought into my life, who have shown me love and support.”

“Gratitude fills my heart as I acknowledge the blessings God has bestowed upon me.”

“God, I am immensely grateful for the gift of family and their unwavering love.”

“Thank you, Lord, for the small blessings that often go unnoticed, but make a significant impact.” QUOTES ABOUT SELF ABSORBED

“I am thankful for God’s forgiveness and the chance to start anew every day.”

“Gratefulness overflows within me as I recognize God’s provision and abundance in my life.”

“Thank you, God, for the opportunity to grow spiritually and deepen my relationship with you.”

“I am thankful to God for the peace that surpasses all understanding, especially in times of chaos.”

“Lord, I am grateful for the lessons learned through challenges and the wisdom gained from them.”

“Thank you, God, for the ways you have protected and guided me throughout my life’s journey.”

“I am appreciative of God’s grace and mercy that are extended to me each day.”

“Thank you, Lord, for the gift of forgiveness, helping me to let go of bitterness and find freedom.”

“God, I am thankful for the opportunities you have provided, allowing me to pursue my dreams.”

“I am forever grateful to God for his unending love and for always being there when I need Him.”