“I’m convinced my Facebook friends are ninjas because they are so silent, but I see them lurking!”

“Sometimes I feel like I’m performing a one-woman show on Facebook. Where is the audience?”

“I wonder if my Facebook friends are secretly auditioning for the role of ‘The Invisible Man/Woman.’ They never fail to impress!”

“Note to self: Must learn the art of mind-reading to figure out what my Facebook friends actually think about my posts.”

“Silence is golden, but sometimes I wish my Facebook friends would break the silence with a simple ‘like’ or comment.”

“I should have an award ceremony for my Facebook friends who have mastered the art of stealth mode.”

“If silence were an Olympic sport, my Facebook friends would definitely bring home the gold medal!”

“I’m starting to believe that my Facebook friends have formed an underground society called ‘The Keepers of the Silent Scroll.'”

“Remember when we used to communicate through gestures and grunts? Sometimes I feel like that’s what my Facebook friends are doing!”

“I should open a ‘Guess Your Facebook Friend’s Personality’ booth at a carnival. It might be the only way to figure them out!”

“To all my Facebook friends who never leave a trace, teach me your ways! I’m fascinated by your ability to stay completely incognito.”

“I wonder if my Facebook friends have got it all figured out – enjoying the content while maintaining their mysterious aura.”

“If social media silence was a superpower, my Facebook friends would definitely be superheroes!” NOT EVERYONE WILL LOVE YOU QUOTES

“Note to self: Maybe my Facebook posts are so brilliant that they leave my friends completely speechless. I’ll go with that theory.”

“I feel like my Facebook friends are secret agents – they’re always watching, but never revealing their true identities.”

“I guess I’ve mastered the art of engaging silence on Facebook. Just ask my friends who never comment or like anything!”

“I’m starting to think that my Facebook friends are allergic to likes and comments – we need to find a cure!”

“If being unnoticed was a talent, my Facebook friends would definitely be the stars of the show!”

“Someday I hope to crack the code of my Facebook friends’ silence. It’s like trying to solve the world’s most challenging puzzle!”

“It’s fun to imagine my Facebook friends sitting behind their screens, enjoying my posts in a sea of total silence.”

“If silence was a sport, my Facebook friends would take home the championship trophy every single time!”

“One day, my Facebook friends will break their silence and flood my notification center. Until then, I’ll wait patiently.”

“I think my Facebook friends have mastered the art of zen – they’re truly unruffled by any social media shenanigans!”

“Silence may be golden, but a little social media interaction wouldn’t hurt, my dear Facebook friends!”.