“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.” – Helen Keller

“Your attitude determines your direction.” – Unknown

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

“Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” – Unknown

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change their future by merely changing their attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” – Zig Ziglar

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

“Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.” – Brian Tracy

“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius SELF ESTEEM QUOTES SHORT

“Keep your face always towards the sunshine—and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman

“Believe in your dreams and they may come true; believe in yourself and they will.” – Unknown

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali

“The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how high you raise your foot.” – Benny Lewis

“When you replace ‘Why is this happening to me?’ with ‘What is this trying to teach me?’, everything shifts.” – Unknown

“Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.” – Jim Rohn

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” – Unknown

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard

“Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams.” – Unknown

“The only place where your dreams become impossible is in your own thinking.” – Robert Schuller

“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.” – Shiv Khera

“Think positively and positive things will happen.” – Unknown

“A positive mindset brings positive things.” – Anthony Joshua