“Gone but never forgotten, you will always hold a special place in our hearts.”

“Today we remember the beautiful soul that touched our lives and left us too soon.”

“In our hearts you’ll always stay, loved and remembered every day.”

“Though you may be gone, your spirit lives on and shines through our memories.”

“Your absence fills our hearts with sorrow, but your legacy brings us comfort and strength.”

“No longer by our side, but forever in our hearts.”

“Our bond was unbreakable, even in death, you remain with me.”

“Cherished beyond words, now safely wrapped in eternal love.”

“You may be gone from sight, but you are never far from our thoughts.”

“Your presence is missed, but your spirit lives on in our cherished memories.”

“The pain of your absence is still deep, but the joy of having known you is deeper.”

“Today, we honor the life you lived and the love you shared.”

“Death may have taken you from us, but it can never take away the love we hold for you.” YOU ARE LIKE WINE QUOTES

“Your light may have dimmed, but it continues to shine through the memories we cherish.”

“Forever loved, deeply missed. Rest in peace, dear sister.”

“Your love was a beacon in our lives, guiding us even in your absence.”

“Though the years pass, the pain of losing you remains fresh.”

“The sadness may fade, but the love we have for you will never diminish.”

“Today, we gather to remember your life and the impact you had on ours.”

“Your smile may be gone, but the joy it brought will live on forever.”

“The emptiness without you is a reminder of the fullness you brought into our lives.”

“In honoring your memory, we keep a piece of you alive within us.”

“You were a sister in blood and a best friend in heart. Your loss is immeasurable.”

“We find solace in knowing that one day we will be reunited, until then, we hold you close within our hearts.”