“Sometimes the only way to heal and move on is to let go of toxic friendships.”

“Surround yourself with people who lift you higher, not bring you down.”

“You deserve friends who genuinely care and value your friendship.”

“Not every friendship is meant to last forever, and that’s okay.”

“Don’t hold onto a friendship that has already let go of you.”

“Some friendships are like seasons; it’s okay to let them fade away.”

“True friends are rare, don’t waste your energy on those who don’t appreciate you.”

“A genuine friendship shouldn’t leave you feeling drained and unhappy.”

“Sometimes cutting ties is the healthiest decision for your own well-being.”

“Don’t be afraid to let go of friendships that no longer serve a positive purpose in your life.”

“It’s better to have a few true friends than many who aren’t truly there for you.” INSPIRATIONAL POLITICAL QUOTES

“True friends will understand and respect your boundaries.”

“Value yourself enough to walk away from friendships that only bring you down.”

“You deserve friendships that are built on trust, loyalty, and respect.”

“Not all endings are sad; sometimes they’re necessary for personal growth.”

“Cherish the memories of the friendship, but don’t let it hold you back from finding healthier relationships.”

“The end of a friendship can be a new beginning for self-discovery and personal growth.”

“Don’t settle for toxic connections; make room for healthier relationships in your life.”

“Your mental and emotional well-being should always come first, even if it means letting go of friendships.”

“Sometimes people change, and so do their friendships.”

“Choose friends who celebrate your success and stand by you during tough times.”