“Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed, but there will always be cracks.” – Waqar Ahmed

“Sometimes, the only way to grow is to outgrow certain people. And that’s okay.” – Mandy Hale

“The hardest part about losing a friend is not knowing why they left.” – Anonymous

“You may have lost a friend, but never lose yourself in the process.” – Vironika Tugaleva

“Not all endings are meant to make us sad, sometimes they’re just necessary for our growth.” – Anonymous

“True friends are like stars, you may not see them always, but you know they’re always there.” – Anonymous

“Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.” – Samuel Butler

“Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest, it’s about who walked into your life and stayed.” – Anonymous

“Sometimes the people we thought would be there for us forever, come and go in the blink of an eye.” – Anonymous

“When a friendship ends, it doesn’t mean the connection was meaningless. It just means that their part in your story is over.” – Anonymous

“Real friendships will always find a way back.” – Anonymous

“A friendship that can end never really began.” – Publilius Syrus

“The greatest test of friendship is its breaking point.” – Anonymous

“You lose friends, gain friends, and change friends, as you change yourself.” – John Lennon WITH DEATH COMES NEW LIFE QUOTES

“The only way to mend a broken friendship is through honesty and communication.” – Anonymous

“True friends are the ones who stick around even when the going gets tough.” – Anonymous

“Some friends are like pennies, two-faced and worthless.” – Author Unknown

“A friendship breakup can sometimes be a blessing in disguise, making room for new and better connections.” – Anonymous

“When a friendship ends, don’t dwell on the pain, focus on the lessons it taught you.” – Anonymous

“Be grateful for the friends who walk away, they’re making room for the ones who will stay.” – Anonymous

“A true friend will never walk away from you, even if the circumstances change.” – Anonymous

“Losing a friend can be painful, but it’s better to lose someone toxic than to hold onto a destructive relationship.” – Anonymous

“Don’t be upset when friends let you down, sometimes they were never really there for you in the first place.” – Anonymous

“Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s about being separate and still being able to cherish each other.” – Anonymous

“Sometimes, the hardest part about letting go of a friend is accepting that they were never really a friend to begin with.” – Anonymous

“When a friendship ends, it’s important to remember that it’s not a reflection of your worth as a person.” – Anonymous