“I’m not conceited. I’m simply aware of how amazing I am.”

“I’m my favorite subject.”

“I don’t need your validation because I already know I’m great.”

“I’m not selfish, I just prioritize myself.”

“Why blend in when you’re born to stand out?”

“I don’t need to change, the world needs to change for me.”

“Being self-centered is a natural consequence of being awesome.”

“I’m the sun, and everyone else is just orbiting around me.”

“Confidence is not a flaw, it’s a superpower.”

“It’s not my fault that I outshine everyone in the room.”

“Of course I love myself, I’m absolutely fabulous.”

“I don’t seek attention, attention seeks me.”

“I always put myself first because no one else will.” POSITIVE QUOTES TO END THE DAY

“I don’t have time for negativity, I’d rather focus on myself.”

“I’m not arrogant. I’m simply aware of my own worth.”

“My selfies are proof that I’m the center of the universe.”

“Why settle for being average when I can be extraordinary?”

“It’s not my responsibility to make others feel important, that’s their job.”

“I’m too busy shining to worry about anyone else’s opinion.”

“I’m not selfish, I’m just fiercely self-reliant.”

“I don’t compete with others, they’re simply trying to keep up with me.”

“I walk into a room and own it because I know I’m the best.”

“I’m not self-centered, I’m self-aware.”

“My confidence intimidates those who are not worthy of my presence.”

“I never apologize for being the best version of myself.”