“In a wrong relationship, you will never feel right, no matter how hard you try.”

“Sometimes, staying in a wrong relationship will only rob you of finding the right one.”

“You can never be truly happy if you settle for a wrong relationship.”

“A wrong relationship will drain you emotionally and mentally, leaving you empty.”

“Don’t be afraid to let go of a wrong relationship, for it opens the door for something far better.”

“You deserve a relationship that feels right, not one that constantly feels wrong.”

“A wrong relationship will always bring out the worst in you, while a right one will bring out the best.”

“Instead of trying to fix a wrong relationship, invest your time in finding the right one.”

“You can’t force someone to be right for you if they are not meant to be.”

“A wrong relationship will make you question your self-worth, while a right one will affirm it.”

“It’s better to be alone and wait for the right relationship than settle for a wrong one.”

“You deserve a love that makes you feel complete, not one that leaves you feeling incomplete.” WHEN YOUR HEART IS BROKEN QUOTES

“A wrong relationship will never give you the satisfaction and fulfillment you seek.”

“Don’t settle for a relationship that dims your light; find one that helps it shine brighter.”

“Your heart knows when it’s in a wrong relationship, listen to it before it’s too late.”

“The longer you stay in a wrong relationship, the longer it will take to find the right one.”

“A wrong relationship can never provide the support and encouragement you need to grow.”

“One day you’ll find someone who loves you right and all the wrong relationships will make sense.”

“There’s no shame in admitting you’re in a wrong relationship, but it’s important to take action.”

“Don’t look back on a wrong relationship with regret, look forward to the right one with hope.”

“A wrong relationship will only hold you back from becoming the person you are meant to be.”

“Remember, it’s better to be alone than trapped in a wrong relationship that limits your happiness.”