“True! – nervous – very, very dreadfully nervous I had been and am; but why will you say that I am mad?”

“There is no passion more selfish than the passion for control.”

“It is the beating of his hideous heart!”

“I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult.”

“I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.”

“I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth.”

“I could scarcely contain my feelings of triumph.”

“For it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.”

“Time and again I counted his heart’s beats.”

“Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing.”

“Object there was none. Passion there was none.”

“If you still think me mad, you will think so no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body.”

“I moved it slowly – very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man’s sleep.” NICE QUOTES ON MOTHER

“And now a single tap, too light to be heard through the envelope that concealed the body, aroused me from my dream-like state.”

“What had I to fear? No one suspected me.”

“I could bear those hypocritical smiles no longer!”

“No doubt I now grew very pale; but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice.”

“Ha! Ha! – would a madman have been so wise as this?”

“My manner had convinced them. I was safe.”

“The guilt of the deed I perpetrate weighed heavily upon my soul.”

“I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.”

“Villains!” I shrieked, “dissemble no more! I admit the deed! – tear up the planks! – here, here! – it is the beating of his hideous heart!”

“It was a low, dull, quick sound – much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton.”

“I paced the floor to and fro with heavy strides, as if excited to fury by the observations of the men.”

“His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers, and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door.”