“There’s no place like home.”

“I am Oz, the Great and Terrible!”

“There are some folks that, if they don’t know, you can’t tell ’em.”

“Why, anybody can have a brain. That’s a very mediocre commodity. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the Earth or slinks through slimy seas has a brain.”

“You have plenty of courage, I am sure. All you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.”

“Never give up. No one knows what’s going to happen next.”

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”

“Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.”

“Everything has to come to an end, sometime.”

“Is everyone in Oz good and wise?” HUSBAND AND BEST FRIEND QUOTES

“You have no power to hurt me.”

“The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.”

“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard.”

“There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger.”

“If we walk far enough, we shall sometime come to someplace.”

“No one can take away your right to think.”

“True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.”

“Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.”

“A kind heart is worth more than all the brains in the world.”

“Those who have brains and no heart are never truly happy.”