“Home is where you can pee with the door open.”

“Moving into a new home means endless hours of trying to locate the light switches.”

“At my new home, chocolate is the only unpacked item that never gets lost!”

“A new home is like a blank canvas, except instead of painting, you’re unpacking boxes.”

“I pretend to unpack while my new home pretends to be organized.”

“The great thing about a new home is that it’s like a fresh start, until you start unpacking all the junk from your old home.”

“I finally found the perfect home that screams ‘I’m an adult!’ until the microwave catches fire.”

“If only my new home came pre-installed with a personal chef and housekeeper.”

“I’ve realized that moving to a new home is just a fancy way of saying you’re restarting your junk-collecting process.”

“Being at my new home makes me feel like a kid at a candy store, except the candy is actually Wi-Fi access.”

“Renovating a new home is just the adult version of playing with Legos.”

“Finding your way around a new home is like solving a never-ending maze.”

“After moving into a new home, I’ve come to the conclusion that unpacking should be an Olympic sport.”

“The only thing messier than my new home is me trying to decorate it.”

“Having a new home means endless opportunities to hide from visitors.”

“They say home is where the heart is, but my new home is where all the misplaced socks are.” SWEET QUOTES TO SAY TO YOUR BEST FRIEND

“In my new home, the Wi-Fi password holds greater importance than the address.”

“Moving to a new home means endless hours of pretending to know how to use a drill.”

“My new home has taught me that dust bunnies are the unofficial rulers of the house.”

“Welcome to my new home, where if you can’t find something, it’s probably in the last box you unpack.”

“Moving into a new home is like playing a really long game of hide and seek with your belongings.”

“I thought moving to a new home would be a fresh start, but it turns out spiders have already claimed it as their territory.”

“The first step to feeling settled in a new home is finding the perfect spot for binge-watching Netflix.”

“My new home décor can be described in two words: functional chaos.”

“The key to happiness in a new home is locating the closest pizza delivery place.”

“Moving to a new home means discovering all the weird noises your house makes at night.”

“My new home décor style can be summed up as ‘Pinterest-fail chic’.”

“The best thing about a new home is having a built-in excuse for not inviting people over.”

“Home is where you can dance around in your underwear without judgment, but please close the blinds.”

“The best feeling in the world is coming home to a new home that feels like…well, home.”