“Behind every mask, there is a face, and behind that a story.” – Marty Rubin

“We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.” – André Berthiaume

“Masks reveal more than they hide.” – Mason Cooley

“Sometimes we create our own masks to hide from the reality we fear.” – Giorge Leedy

“A mask can be confining, but it can also set you free.” – Kate McGahan

“Masks allow us to hide from both the world and ourselves.” – Adam Gaynor

“True liberation lies beyond the mask.” – Amy Leigh Mercree

“The mask you wear tells a story, but don’t let it define who you are.” – Emily Dickinson

“Masks are deceptive, so be careful if you believe everything you see.” – Anthon St. Maarten

“Don’t be afraid to remove the mask and show the world your true face.” – Alexandra Elle

“Masks may protect us, but they can also blind us.” – Terry Pratchett

“Every day we wear a mask, but it’s important to remember who we are underneath.” – Mary Oliver

“The mask you wear can sometimes become your own prison.” – Shannon L. Alder

“Behind the mask, there is a face, and behind that, a universe.” – Anonymous ACCEPTING DEATH OF A LOVED ONE QUOTES

“We’re all just actors wearing masks, playing our parts in this grand stage called life.” – William Shakespeare

“Our masks help us navigate the world, but they also mask our true selves.” – Craig Hodges

“The mask you wear may hide your flaws, but it also obscures your beauty.” – Coco Chanel

“Retreat behind your mask, and discover who you truly are.” – Mason Cooley

“Don’t let the mask define you. Show the world who you really are.” – Kamand Kojouri

“We all wear masks, but some masks are harder to remove than others.” – Anonymous

“Masks can shield us from pain, but they can also prevent us from feeling joy.” – Brene Brown

“The mask we wear is not for others, but for ourselves.” – Natalie Goldberg

“A mask can hide your face, but it cannot hide your true intentions.” – Jay Woodman

“Remove the mask and let your soul shine through.” – Marion Honeycutt

“We wear masks to protect ourselves, but they can also suffocate our true selves.” – Demi Lovato

“Behind every mask lies a labyrinth of emotions waiting to be discovered.” – Unknown