“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” – Proverb

“The biggest fool is the one who thinks they have fooled everyone.” – Unknown

“It’s better to be a fool for a moment than forever.” – Unknown

“Some people are so good at disguises; you may never know you’ve been fooled.” – Unknown

“It’s a painful experience to realize that someone you trusted has fooled you.” – Unknown

“Behind every scam, there’s a mastermind fooling those who trust blindly.” – Unknown

“The saddest part about being fooled is knowing that you believed in something that wasn’t real.” – Unknown

“A fool and his money are easily parted.” – Proverb

“Don’t let your naivety blind you; not everyone you encounter has good intentions.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a mirror; once shattered, it can never be the same again.” – Unknown

“Being fooled only makes us wiser and more cautious in the future.” – Unknown

“The greatest fools are those who manipulate others for their own gain.” – Unknown

“In the end, we are all fools for allowing ourselves to be deceived.” – Unknown

“Being fooled is a painful reminder that not everyone deserves our trust.” – Unknown

“Not everyone who smiles at you has your best interests at heart.” – Unknown QUOTE GOOD NIGHT MY LOVE

“Being fooled is an opportunity to learn and grow, to become stronger and wiser.” – Unknown

“It’s ironic how the people who fool others are often the most insecure themselves.” – Unknown

“Being fooled doesn’t make you a fool; it just means you placed your trust in the wrong person.” – Unknown

“Being fooled is an experience that shapes our ability to discern between truth and deceit.” – Unknown

“Fooling others may bring temporary satisfaction, but it will never bring lasting happiness.” – Unknown

“The world is full of good actors, but the truth always finds its way to the surface.” – Unknown

“Those who try to deceive others should remember that karma has a way of catching up with them.” – Unknown

“Don’t blame yourself for being fooled; the blame lies with the one who intentionally deceived you.” – Unknown

“Being fooled is a humbling experience that teaches us the importance of self-reflection.” – Unknown

“If someone fools you once, it’s their fault; if they fool you twice, it’s your fault.” – Unknown

“Being fooled by someone only highlights their lack of integrity, not your lack of wisdom.” – Unknown

“The best revenge on those who have fooled you is to live your life happily and authentically.” – Unknown

“The pain of being fooled may linger, but it also serves as a reminder to trust your instincts and be more discerning in the future.” – Unknown