“Betrayal is the deepest wound, especially when inflicted by a trusted friend.” – John Rowling

“Betrayal is a dagger in the heart, thrust by the hands of a supposed friend.” – Maya Angelou

“When a friend betrays your trust, it feels like a broken mirror – impossible to fix and painful to look at.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a fragile glass; once broken, it can never be fully restored.” – Unknown

“Betrayal from a friend is like a lightning strike on a clear day – shocking and unexpected.” – Unknown

“A true friend would never betray your trust, for trust is the foundation of any lasting relationship.” – Unknown

“Betrayal of trust in friendship creates scars that can last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“A friend who betrays your trust is like a black hole sucking the joy and faith out of your soul.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow, especially when it comes from someone you’ve considered a close friend.” – Unknown

“A friend who betrays your trust is not worthy of being called a friend at all.” – Unknown

“Trust is the cornerstone of any friendship; without it, the bond crumbles into dust.” – Unknown

“Betrayal in friendship is a cruel reminder that not everyone who smiles at you has your best interests at heart.” – Unknown

“When a friend betrays your trust, it’s like a stab in the back by someone you never expected it from.” – Unknown

“Trust is a fragile gift that should be cherished, but once broken, it’s nearly impossible to mend.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT FAMILY COUSINS

“Betrayal is a painful lesson in discerning true friends from mere acquaintances.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t betray your trust; they guard it with their lives.” – Unknown

“Betrayal of trust in friendship is like a storm that sweeps away everything you thought was solid.” – Unknown

“A friend who betrays your trust is not a friend, but a betrayer in disguise.” – Unknown

“Betrayal from a friend shatters the foundation of trust, leaving you feeling lost and alone.” – Unknown

“Trust is the glue that holds a friendship together; betrayal is the bomb that blasts it apart.” – Unknown

“Betrayal in friendship is like a poison that slowly seeps into your heart, suffocating the love and trust you once had.” – Unknown

“A friend who betrays your trust reveals their true character – a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” – Unknown

“Betrayal of trust in friendship is a wound that leaves a scar, a reminder of the pain inflicted by someone you once held dear.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t betray your trust because they understand its value and strive to uphold it always.” – Unknown

“Betrayal in friendship is like a crack in a mirror – it distorts the reflection of the bond you once shared.” – Unknown

“Betrayal is a bitter pill often served by those you least expect.” – Unknown

“A friend who betrays your trust is not worth mourning; they were never truly a friend in the first place.” – Unknown