“Good government is that which delivers the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest number of people.” – Jeremy Bentham

“The best government is one that is for the people, by the people, and with the people.” – Abraham Lincoln

“A good government is one that acts on behalf of its citizens, protects their rights, and promotes their welfare.” – John Locke

“The true test of good government is its ability to create a society where everyone has equal opportunities for success.” – Barack Obama

“Good government means efficient and accountable governance that serves the interests of the people it represents.” – Jane Harman

“A good government is one that encourages citizen participation and values public input in decision-making processes.” – Jimmy Carter

“A good government prioritizes the needs of its citizens over personal gain or political ideology.” – Nelson Mandela

“Good government promotes justice, equality, and the rule of law for all its citizens.” – Thurgood Marshall

“Good government is transparent and accountable, with leaders who are held responsible for their actions.” – Elizabeth Warren

“A good government maintains a balance between individual freedoms and the collective well-being of society.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The key to good government is effective leadership that prioritizes the common good and listens to the needs of its citizens.” – Angela Merkel

“Good government ensures a healthy social and economic environment that allows everyone to thrive and succeed.” – Justin Trudeau

“The foundation of good government is a well-informed and engaged citizenry.” – Thomas Jefferson

“A good government establishes a strong framework for economic growth and job creation.” – Margaret Thatcher QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS NOT BEING YOUR FRIENDS

“Good government recognizes and addresses the needs of marginalized communities, striving for inclusivity and equality for all.” – Kamala Harris

“A good government empowers its citizens through education, healthcare, and opportunities for personal and professional development.” – Michelle Obama

“Good government protects the environment, invests in renewable energy, and works towards a sustainable future.” – Al Gore

“A good government values diplomacy and peaceful resolutions over military conflicts.” – Kofi Annan

“Good government fosters innovation and encourages scientific research and development for the betterment of society.” – Bill Gates

“A good government understands the importance of investing in infrastructure, ensuring that communities have access to essential services, like clean water, transportation, and healthcare.” – Jacinda Ardern

“Good government promotes freedom of expression, media independence, and protects individual liberties.” – Desmond Tutu

“A good government works towards reducing poverty and inequality, providing social safety nets for those in need.” – Ban Ki-moon

“Good government values diversity and inclusiveness, fostering a society where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“A good government promotes a strong education system that prepares young minds for the challenges of the future.” – Malala Yousafzai

“Good government encourages entrepreneurship and supports small businesses as the backbone of the economy.” – Narendra Modi

“A good government is one that is adaptive and responsive to the changing needs and aspirations of its citizens.” – Jacqui Lambie