“I’m done trying to please everyone. From now on, I’m doing what’s best for me.”

“I’m done being the one who cares more. It’s time for someone else to step up.”

“I’m done playing games. It’s time to be real and genuine.”

“I’m done wasting my time on people who don’t appreciate me.”

“I’m done sacrificing my happiness for the sake of others.”

“I’m done with toxic relationships. It’s time to surround myself with positivity.”

“I’m done settling for less. I deserve better.”

“I’m done with excuses. It’s time to take responsibility for my own actions.”

“I’m done giving second chances to those who don’t deserve them.”

“I’m done letting fear hold me back. It’s time to face my fears head-on.”

“I’m done holding onto grudges. Forgiveness is the key to moving forward.”

“I’m done seeking validation from others. I know my worth.”

“I’m done overthinking everything. It’s time to trust my instincts.”

“I’m done trying to control everything. Some things are beyond my control.” IF WE WORK TOGETHER QUOTES

“I’m done with negative self-talk. It’s time to embrace self-love and acceptance.”

“I’m done dwelling on the past. The future holds limitless possibilities.”

“I’m done trying to please society’s unrealistic standards of beauty.”

“I’m done with self-doubt. I believe in my abilities.”

“I’m done with pointless drama. It’s time for peace and tranquility.”

“I’m done being a people-pleaser. It’s time to prioritize my own happiness.”

“I’m done chasing after someone who doesn’t want to be caught.”

“I’m done feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to take control of my life.”

“I’m done with negativity. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of life.”

“I’m done allowing others to define my worth. I am enough as I am.”

“I’m done waiting for the perfect moment. The time is now.”

“I’m done with regrets. It’s time to live life without looking back.”