“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” – Stephen Hawking

“Intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” – Salvador Dali

“Intelligence is the ability to solve problems, but wisdom is knowing which problems to solve.” – John C. Maxwell

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates

“Intelligence is the ability to learn from your mistakes. Wisdom is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not just the ability to store information, but to know how to use it.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to think independently and critically.” – Albert Einstein

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt and change.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not the ability to memorize, but the ability to analyze and understand.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to use knowledge wisely.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is knowing the right answer. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the capacity to learn from experience.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to make connections between different pieces of information.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to see patterns where others see chaos.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to question and critically evaluate information.” – Unknown A BETTER LIFE QUOTE ABOUT MOVING OUT OF HOUSE

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt and thrive in any environment.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the power to discern between truth and falsehood.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not determined by how much you know, but by how much you can learn.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to solve problems and create new solutions.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the pursuit of knowledge and the ability to apply it effectively.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to understand, analyze, and interpret complex information.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not just about IQ, but also emotional and social intelligence.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to make good decisions in the face of uncertainty.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not just about being book smart, but also street smart.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to learn from the mistakes of others and not repeat them.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to communicate effectively and empathize with others.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is not determined by how much you know, but by how much you question.” – Unknown

“Intelligence is the ability to listen, observe, and understand before speaking.” – Unknown