Here are 22 quotes on Karbala in English:

“O Hussain! You embraced death with open arms, yet your martyrdom has ignited a fire that will burn till the end of time.” – Unknown

“The tragedy of Karbala teaches us that even in the darkest moments, we should stand up for justice and truth.” – Unknown

“The sacrifice of Imam Hussain teaches us that one must never compromise on principles, even in the face of adversity.” – Unknown

“In the battle of Karbala, Imam Hussain proved that the power of truth is mightier than any sword.” – Unknown

“Hussain is the light that guides humanity towards righteousness and justice.” – Unknown

“Karbala is a reminder that even in the darkest times, one should never lose hope in the mercy and justice of God.” – Unknown

“The legacy of Karbala inspires us to stand up against tyranny and oppression, no matter the cost.” – Unknown

“The sacrifice of the martyrs of Karbala teaches us to always speak up against injustice, regardless of the consequences.” – Unknown

“Karbala is a lesson in selflessness and sacrifice, where Imam Hussain and his companions gave everything they had for the sake of truth.” – Unknown

“The events of Karbala teach us to value and protect the dignity and rights of every human being.” – Unknown

“Hussain’s sacrifice in Karbala is a constant reminder that standing up against injustice is our moral duty.” – Unknown GRANDKIDS QUOTES

“The tragedy of Karbala teaches us that sometimes the path to victory lies in embracing martyrdom.” – Unknown

“The battle of Karbala is a timeless lesson in the pursuit of justice and righteousness.” – Unknown

“The story of Karbala is a testament to the power of faith, resilience, and unwavering commitment to truth.” – Unknown

“Karbala teaches us that even in the face of defeat, one must never compromise on their principles.” – Unknown

“The sacrifice of Imam Hussain in Karbala gives us the courage to confront and challenge oppression.” – Unknown

“Karbala stands as a reminder that the voice of truth will never be silenced, no matter how powerful the oppressor.” – Unknown

“The tragedy of Karbala brings people together in grief, reminding us of the unity and love that transcends all boundaries.” – Unknown

“Karbala teaches us that it is better to die with dignity than to live in submission and humiliation.” – Unknown

“Imam Hussain’s sacrifice in Karbala exemplifies the courage and determination needed to bring about change.” – Unknown

“Karbala is a reminder that we should always stand up against injustice, even if we stand alone.” – Unknown

“The events of Karbala teach us the importance of standing up for what is right, regardless of the odds.” – Unknown