“A mother who only thinks of herself will never truly understand the meaning of selfless love.” – Unknown

“A selfish mother puts her own comfort and desires above the needs of her children.” – Unknown

“A mother who is consumed by her own needs and wants will never fully prioritize her children’s well-being.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers often create a toxic environment where their own needs are more important than their children’s emotional and physical health.” – Unknown

“A selfish mother is more interested in receiving love and attention from her children rather than giving it unconditionally.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers lack the ability to truly put their children’s needs first, leading to emotional scars that may last a lifetime.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love should be selfless and unconditional, but a selfish mother will always put her own desires above her children’s needs.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers prioritize their own happiness and personal fulfillment, often without considering the negative impact it may have on their children’s lives.” – Unknown

“A selfish mother fails to understand that the greatest joy comes from selflessly loving and nurturing her children.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers may have given birth to their children, but they lack the nurturing and selfless qualities that make a true mother.” – Unknown

“A selfish mother may provide for her children’s physical needs, but neglects their emotional and psychological well-being.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers are too preoccupied with their own needs to truly celebrate and support their children’s accomplishments.” – Unknown QUOTE ABOUT MEMORY OF FRIEND

“A mother who only cares about herself will never truly understand the depth of the bond between a mother and child.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers prioritize their own desires, leaving their children feeling abandoned and unimportant.” – Unknown

“A mother’s duty is to protect and nurture her children, but a selfish mother only thinks about herself and her own desires.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers fail to provide their children with the emotional stability and support they need to thrive.” – Unknown

“A selfish mother may have the physical presence, but she is emotionally absent from her children’s lives.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers are more concerned with how their children make them look, rather than their children’s self-esteem and happiness.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love should be selfless, but a selfish mother prioritizes her own needs and desires above her children’s happiness.” – Unknown

“A selfish mother’s actions are fueled by her own selfish desires, leaving her children feeling neglected and unloved.” – Unknown

“Selfish mothers lack the empathy and selflessness necessary to truly nurture and guide their children.” – Unknown

“A mother’s role is to be selfless and caring, but a selfish mother only cares about herself and her own happiness.” – Unknown