“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.” – Oscar Wilde

“Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.” – William E. Gladstone

“Selfishness is the root of all evil.” – Ayn Rand

“A selfish person is incapable of giving, except for the purpose of gaining something in return.” – Anthony Liccione

“A selfish person is someone who wants everything for themselves without considering the needs and feelings of others.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is not a virtue, it is a vice.” – Unknown

“A selfish person will always prioritize their own desires over the needs of others.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is a slippery slope that leads to isolation and unhappiness.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is the biggest obstacle to forming meaningful relationships.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is the absence of empathy.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is like a black hole that sucks the happiness out of everyone around it.” – Unknown MOTHER KNOWS BEST FUNNY QUOTES

“Selfish people may succeed in the short term, but they ultimately lose in the long run.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is a form of self-destruction.” – Unknown

“A selfish person may have everything they want, but they will never have true fulfillment.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is the enemy of love.” – Unknown

“Selfish people are often lonely because they push others away with their self-centeredness.” – Unknown

“Selfishness blinds a person to the beauty of selfless acts.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is a sign of immaturity.” – Unknown

“Selfish people may gain possessions, but they lose the admiration and respect of others.” – Unknown

“Selfishness is a choice, not a personality trait.” – Unknown

“At the end of the day, selfishness only leads to regret and missed opportunities for growth and connection.” – Unknown