“The earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” – Mulan

“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.” – Zen Shin

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” – Buddha

“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food, and medicine to the soul.” – Luther Burbank

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” – Gerard De Nerval

“Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.” – John Harrigan

“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in – what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet and above him the stars.” – Victor Hugo

“Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth’s lips spoken without sound.” – Edwin Curran

“A flower does not use words to announce its beauty; it just blooms.” – Matshona Dhliwayo

“The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life.” – Jean Giraudoux

“Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into.” – Henry Ward Beecher

“A flower blossoms for its own joy.” – Oscar Wilde MOTHER AND HER CUBS QUOTES

“Flowers are the silent bearers of love and beauty.” – Debasish Mridha

“With freedom, flowers, books, and the moon, who could not be perfectly happy?” – Oscar Wilde

“The rose is a flower of love. The world has acclaimed it for centuries. Pink roses are for love hopeful and expectant. White roses are for love dead or forsaken, but the red roses, ah the red roses are for love triumphant.” – Unknown

“Flowers whisper “Beauty!” to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.” – Dr. SunWolf

“Flowers are like friends; they bring color to your world.” – Unknown

“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” – Max Muller

“Flowers are the smile of the earth.” – Unknown

“Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” – E.V.

“A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul.” – Saadi

“When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else.” – Georgia O’Keeffe

“The earth laughs in flowers and dances in the sunlight, painting us a beautiful canvas to cherish.” – Unknown