“When things go wrong, don’t go with them.” – Elvis Presley

“When things go wrong, don’t dwell on it. Smile, learn from it, and move on.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, never give up. Keep fighting until you find a way to make them right.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that setbacks are just setups for comebacks.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, don’t despair. Use it as an opportunity to grow and become stronger.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that every challenge is an opportunity for growth.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that failure is just a stepping stone to success.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, keep your head up and your heart strong.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schuller

“When things go wrong, don’t think of it as a failure. Think of it as a stepping stone to success.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that it’s not the end of the world. Take a deep breath and keep moving forward.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, don’t let it consume you. Stay positive and focus on finding a solution.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that there is always a lesson to be learned.” – Unknown QUOTES IN RUSSIAN ABOUT LOVE

“When things go wrong, remember that you have the power to turn them around. Believe in yourself.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that your attitude can make all the difference.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, don’t play the blame game. Take responsibility and find a solution.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that setbacks are temporary. Keep pushing forward.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that you have the strength to overcome any obstacle.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that every cloud has a silver lining.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes it meaningful.” – Joshua Marine

“When things go wrong, remember that it’s not the end of the world. Life has a way of working itself out.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that sometimes the best thing you can do is to take a step back and reevaluate.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, don’t lose hope. Keep moving forward, and eventually things will fall into place.” – Unknown

“When things go wrong, remember that perseverance is the key. Keep going, and you’ll come out on the other side stronger than ever.” – Unknown