“They say Evelyn Hugo is a master manipulator, but the truth is, I have always been the one pulling the strings.”

“Love is a funny thing, isn’t it? It can make us do the most unimaginable things, and sometimes, it can break us into a million pieces.”

“I have been called many things in my lifetime, but boring certainly isn’t one of them.”

“In this world, there is no room for weakness. You either fight, or you get trampled.”

“The biggest mistake we make is assuming we have all the time in the world, when in reality, our time is slipping away.”

“Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is learning to forgive ourselves.”

“People think fame is glamorous, but in reality, it is a heavy burden that can crush even the strongest souls.”

“We all wear masks, to protect ourselves from the world, but the true strength lies in letting someone see the real you.”

“Life is a series of choices. Some we regret, some we cherish, but all of them shape who we become.”

“Success is never achieved without sacrifice. You must be willing to give up something you love in order to gain something greater.”

“There’s a part of me that is always searching for something more, something deeper. Perhaps that’s what keeps me going.”

“True love isn’t always pretty. Sometimes, it’s messy and complicated, but that’s what makes it worth fighting for.”

“We all have secrets, but it’s what we do with them that defines us.” ICONIC KPOP QUOTES FUNNY

“Life is too short to waste on regrets. Embrace the journey and make every moment count.”

“The past has a way of haunting us, but we must learn to confront it if we want to move forward.”

“We all have our demons, but it’s how we face them that makes us who we are.”

“There is power in owning your truth, no matter how painful it may be.”

“Life is a constant battle, but the strongest warriors are the ones who never give up.”

“Love is a force that can heal even the deepest wounds.”

“To truly understand someone, you must be willing to listen to their story.”

“Life is too precious to be lived in fear. Take risks, embrace the unknown, and never settle for less than you deserve.”

“Nobody has the power to define you except yourself.”

“The world is full of judgment and prejudice, but it’s up to us to rise above it and create our own reality.”

“In the end, all we have are the choices we made and the people we loved. And that’s all that truly matters.”