“I wish I could show you how much you hurt me, so you’d understand how sorry I feel right now.”

“The pain you caused me is a constant reminder of how sorry I am for ever letting you in.”

“Seeing you happy without me only intensifies my regret for everything I did wrong.”

“I hope one day you realize the magnitude of your actions and feel the deep remorse I’ve been carrying.”

“I never wanted to hurt you, and now I’m consumed with remorse for all the pain I’ve caused.”

“Every night I lay awake, replaying the moments when I hurt you, and wishing I could turn back time.”

“I’m haunted by the regret of not treating you better, and I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

“It hurts to know that my mistakes led to the breakdown of something so beautiful. I am truly sorry.”

“I’m sorry for letting my ego get in the way and causing unnecessary pain. You deserved better.”

“I never wanted to be the reason behind your tears, and I am truly sorry for inflicting that pain on you.”

“Your happiness was my priority, but I failed you. I can’t help but feel extremely sorry for it.”

“Regret floods my heart whenever I think about the hurt I caused you. I’m truly sorry for my actions.”

“I never realized the consequences of my actions until I saw the depths of your hurt. I’m truly sorry.” FOOD FOR THOUGHT QUOTES ABOUT WORK

“I pray that one day you can find it in your heart to forgive me, as I deeply regret causing you pain.”

“My words cannot express the remorse I feel for taking your love for granted. I’m truly sorry.”

“My actions were selfish, and now all I have left is a heart filled with remorse. I’m truly sorry for hurting you.”

“I never wanted our relationship to end in tears, but my mistakes caused irreversible damage. I am deeply sorry.”

“If I could trade places with you to free you from the pain I caused, I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m sorry for not valuing you enough, and now all I have left are memories filled with regret.”

“Your tears are etched in my mind, reminding me each day of the pain I’ve caused. I am truly sorry.”

“I’m haunted by the knowledge that I hurt someone who loved me unconditionally. I’m incredibly sorry.”

“I never meant to hurt you, and it pains me to know that my actions have caused you so much sorrow.”

“The guilt I carry for hurting you is unbearable, and I am truly sorry for the pain I inflicted.”

“I am genuinely sorry for breaking your heart. If only I could take it all back and make things right.”