“Do you ever think about the pain you caused me or is it easier for you to just pretend it didn’t happen?”

“You have no idea how much you hurt me, and I hope you never have to experience what you put me through.”

“Your actions have left scars on my heart that may never fully heal.”

“It’s hard to believe someone I trusted so much could hurt me so deeply.”

“I hope one day you truly understand the damage you caused me.”

“You made me question my self-worth, and that’s something I’ll never forget.”

“The worst part is that you don’t even seem to care about the pain you’ve caused.”

“Your betrayal shattered my trust in ways I never imagined.”

“You took advantage of my vulnerability, and it’s something I’ll always remember.”

“Your hurtful words and actions changed me forever, and it’s a burden I’ll carry with me.”

“You were my rock, but now I feel like I’m drowning in the pain you caused.”

“I’m still trying to pick up the pieces you left behind, and it’s not easy.” BEST FRIEND QUOTES ABOUT NEVER SEEING EACH OTHER

“I trusted you with my heart, and you broke it into a million pieces.”

“You played with my emotions as if they were just a game to you.”

“It’s disappointing to realize that someone I held in high regard could be so callous.”

“Your actions showed me the kind of person you truly are, and it’s not someone I want in my life anymore.”

“You may have moved on, but I still carry the weight of your hurt with me every day.”

“Your betrayal felt like a knife to the heart, and the wound still hasn’t healed.”

“Despite everything, I hope one day you understand the pain you inflicted on me.”

“You were supposed to be the person who protected me, but instead, you became the one who hurt me the most.”

“You made me feel like I wasn’t worthy of love, and it’s taken me a long time to rebuild my self-esteem.”

“Your actions have left me questioning the entire foundation of our relationship.”

“I hope you remember the pain you caused me every time you look in the mirror.”