“Don’t worry, I’ll be here for you no matter what.”

“You are stronger than you think you are.”

“Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”

“You’re not alone in this; I’m here for you.”

“Sometimes life knocks us down, but we get back up stronger.”

“You’re allowed to feel sad, but remember that happiness is just around the corner.”

“I believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself.”

“This too shall pass.”

“You have the power to overcome anything that comes your way.”

“You’re the strongest person I know, and you’ll get through this.”

“I’ve got your back, no matter what.”

“You’ve overcome challenges before, and you’ll overcome this one too.” RAP QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Your strength inspires me every day.”

“You are loved and cherished, and nothing can change that.”

“Every storm eventually runs out of rain.”

“You are capable of turning your pain into something beautiful.”

“Remember, tough times are temporary, but your resilience is everlasting.”

“You’ve faced challenges in the past and came out stronger each time.”

“You’re not alone in this battle; we’ll fight it together.”

“I’m here to listen, to support, and to help you find your way back to happiness.”

“I believe in your ability to rise above this situation and find your happiness again.”

“Even on the darkest days, never forget that there is always a glimmer of hope.”

“You are so loved and cherished, and your happiness is important to us all.”