“Sometimes it’s better to be alone than surrounded by toxic people.”

“Toxic friends are like weeds in your garden, pulling them out is necessary for growth.”

“Don’t let toxic friends poison your happiness.”

“Surround yourself with positive people; toxic friends only bring you down.”

“A true friend will lift you up, not tear you down.”

“Life is too short to waste on toxic friendships.”

“Choose your friends wisely, for they have the power to shape your life.”

“Cutting toxic friends out of your life is an act of self-care.”

“No friendship is worth sacrificing your mental health and happiness.”

“Toxic friends are like parasites, sucking the life out of you.”

“It’s okay to distance yourself from toxic people, even if they were once friends.”

“Toxic friends leave scars that last long after the friendship is over.”

“Surround yourself with people who inspire, motivate, and uplift you.”

“Real friends don’t bring drama; they bring laughter and support.”

“Don’t allow toxic friends to make you question your worth.” BEST SHORT MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES EVER

“You deserve friends who bring out the best in you.”

“Your peace of mind is more important than toxic friendships.”

“Keep your circle positive; toxic friends have no place in it.”

“A toxic friend is like a snake, poisonous and ready to strike.”

“Choose friends who challenge you to be better, not drag you down.”

“Toxic friends can hinder your personal growth; let them go.”

“Distance yourself from those who drain your energy and happiness.”

“True friends bring out your authentic self; toxic friends mask it.”

“You become who you surround yourself with, so choose wisely.”

“Don’t let toxic friends make you feel guilty for prioritizing your well-being.”

“Life is too precious to waste it on people who bring you down.”

“Sometimes letting go of toxic friendships is necessary for your own happiness.”

“Your mental health should always be a priority, even if it means leaving toxic friends behind.”

“Surround yourself with friends who elevate you, not bring you down.”