“Time wasted on someone who doesn’t appreciate it is time stolen from yourself.”

“Don’t waste your time on someone who only sees you as an option.”

“Spending time with someone who doesn’t value you is a waste of your precious time.”

“Time spent on someone who doesn’t make an effort for you is time wasted.”

“Investing time in the wrong person will leave you empty-handed.”

“Stop wasting time on someone who doesn’t deserve your attention.”

“Life’s too short to waste time on someone who doesn’t appreciate you.”

“Don’t let yourself be an option for someone who sees you as an afterthought.”

“Wasting time on someone who doesn’t value you is like pouring water into a broken glass.”

“Time spent with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your efforts is time that could have been spent on self-improvement.”

“Don’t let someone who doesn’t value your time occupy too much of your own.”

“Time spent on someone who takes you for granted is time you can never get back.”

“Don’t let someone waste your time when you deserve so much more.” MOTHER DAUGHTER LOVE SHORT QUOTES

“Investing your time in someone who doesn’t respect it is like throwing precious hours down the drain.”

“Wasting time on someone who isn’t worth it fills your life with regret.”

“Don’t waste your valuable minutes on someone who doesn’t value your presence.”

“Time spent on someone who doesn’t appreciate your effort is time that could have been spent on finding someone who does.”

“Never allow someone to waste your time when there are countless others who would cherish it.”

“Don’t spend your time on someone who only wants you around when it’s convenient for them.”

“Time wasted on someone who doesn’t prioritize you is time taken away from your own happiness.”

“Stop investing your time in someone who treats your presence as a disposable commodity.”

“Don’t let someone who doesn’t put effort into your relationship waste your precious time.”

“Time wasted on someone who doesn’t value you is better spent on self-care and self-love.”

“Don’t let yourself be fooled by someone who isn’t worth your time. Focus on those who truly appreciate and deserve it.”