“The truth is, royal or not, I think the world would be a better place if we all read more romance novels.” – Casey McQuiston

“If the crown wasn’t so important, I wouldn’t want it. And if the clothes weren’t so shiny, we wouldn’t talk about them. Is it so wrong to want both?” – Alex Claremont-Diaz

“In a world where we are too often divided by fear, our only hope is to stand together in love.” – Casey McQuiston

“Love is supposed to be simple, but it’s like I keep grabbing for it, and reaching, and finding only emptiness in my hands.” – Prince Henry

“It’s a monster in your head, putting doubt where there shouldn’t be any.” – Casey McQuiston

“Alex, I need you to tell me it’s okay to be my own person. To live for myself, not constantly worry about what others think.” – June Claremont-Diaz

“Maybe somewhere in his mind, he was always afraid that if anyone knew, the world wouldn’t let him be who he was.” – Casey McQuiston

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” – Prince Henry

“My heart is so full of you, I can hardly call it my own.” – Alex Claremont-Diaz

“We’re players in a game with no winners. But if we could make a difference, wouldn’t it all have been worth it?” – Prince Henry

“It’s not that we want to erase our past, it’s just that we want to live our future.” – Casey McQuiston BEST HARD HITTING QUOTES

“Love is freedom. Relationships should build you up, not tear you down.” – Prince Henry

“Sometimes the best dreams are the ones you didn’t even know you had.” – Casey McQuiston

“The world is a mess, but love is a defiant act. It’s choosing to be happy despite all the bad.” – Casey McQuiston

“There’s nothing scarier than realizing you might not be the hero of your own story.” – Alex Claremont-Diaz

“Love isn’t always enough, but it’s a damn good start.” – Prince Henry

“True love is selfless, unconditional, and infinite.” – Casey McQuiston

“Don’t let fear stop you from living your life. Embrace the possibilities.” – Casey McQuiston

“There’s something magical about finding someone who encourages you to be your best self.” – Casey McQuiston

“Love is a force that transcends time and transforms lives.” – Casey McQuiston