“You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” – Unknown

“You don’t let go of baggage because you forget about it; you let go because you understand it no longer serves a purpose in your life.” – Shannon L. Alder

“You can’t be the person you’re meant to be if you’re still holding on to who you used to be.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the baggage from your past relationships weigh you down; instead, use it as a stepping stone to help you grow.” – Unknown

“Baggage is when you can’t let go of the past even if the present is staring you right in the face.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the baggage we hold onto ends up holding us back.” – Unknown

“You deserve someone who is willing to carry your baggage with you, not someone who adds to it.” – Unknown

“The past is a place of reference, not residence.” – Unknown

“You can never truly move forward if you’re still hanging on to what’s behind you.” – Unknown

“The more baggage you carry, the harder it is to keep moving forward.” – Unknown

“Every relationship is a lesson, not a life sentence.” – Unknown

“Stop carrying the weight of your past in a relationship that has nothing to do with it.” – Unknown HEART QUOTES RUMI

“You can’t build a future with someone if you’re still living in the past with someone else.” – Unknown

“Don’t let your past dictate your future relationships. Learn from it and move on.” – Unknown

“Baggage is only heavy if you’re the one carrying it. Learn to let go and find freedom.” – Unknown

“There’s no room for old baggage on a new journey.” – Unknown

“The only way to truly leave your baggage behind is to walk away from it.” – Unknown

“The heaviest baggage we carry is usually the baggage of our own thoughts.” – Unknown

“Your future is too bright for you to keep looking back.” – Unknown

“Love shouldn’t feel like a burden; it should feel like a weightlessness that carries you forward.” – Unknown

“Your relationship baggage is not a reflection of your worthiness of love; it’s simply something to unpack and leave behind.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the weight of your past relationships hold you down. Allow your new love to lift you up.” – Unknown

“Letting go of someone you love is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t love you back is even harder.” – Unknown