“Don’t make promises you have no intention of keeping.”

“Empty promises can break even the strongest relationships.”

“A relationship built on fake promises will crumble under the weight of the truth.”

“Fake promises are like quicksand, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.”

“Promises mean nothing when actions consistently contradict them.”

“In a relationship of fake promises, lies become the foundation.”

“Once trust is broken by fake promises, rebuilding becomes an uphill battle.”

“Relationships shouldn’t be built on false hope and empty promises.”

“Promises without substance are just empty words.”

“The hardest promises to keep are the ones made with no intention to fulfill them.”

“Fake promises can shatter love into a million pieces.”

“Words can heal, but when they’re just empty promises, the wounds only deepen.”

“Promises are meant to be followed through, not thrown around carelessly.”

“A relationship cannot thrive on fake promises and empty gestures.”

“Love needs real promises, not just empty words.” HOW A PERSON TREATS YOU QUOTES

“Fake promises are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, designed to deceive.”

“Actions speak louder than promises, especially in relationships.”

“Stay away from anyone who consistently makes fake promises.”

“Relationships built on fake promises are destined to crumble.”

“Promises without sincerity are like salt in an open wound.”

“Fake promises are like broken glass, you can’t put them back together.”

“Don’t be fooled by sweet talk and fake promises, look for true commitment.”

“Only trust those who keep their promises, even when it’s difficult.”

“Promises made with no intention of keeping them are simply lies in disguise.”

“A relationship built on fake promises is like a house of cards, always on the verge of collapse.”

“Fake promises are the breeding ground for resentment and heartbreak.”

“Don’t settle for someone who makes fake promises; find someone who keeps them.”

“Promises carry weight, and fake ones can crush a relationship.”

“A relationship without trust, built on fake promises, is a relationship doomed to fail.”