“Karma has a way of showing you that you reap what you sow in relationships.” – Unknown

“In relationships, what goes around comes around. Treat others with love and respect, and you’ll receive the same in return.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we attract the wrong people to teach us the lessons we need to learn. Karma will help us find the right ones.” – Unknown

“Every relationship we encounter in life is a mirror that reflects our own actions and choices back at us.” – Unknown

“Karma knows all the secrets of your relationships, so make sure to build them on a foundation of honesty and love.” – Unknown

“Good relationships are built on trust and integrity, and karma will reward those who uphold these values.” – Unknown

“Karma serves as a reminder that the energy we invest in relationships will determine the outcome we receive in return.” – Unknown

“If you want a healthy and fulfilling relationship, be the kind of person you want to be with. Karma will align you with the right person.” – Unknown

“Karma reminds us that the way we treat others in relationships will eventually come back to us.” – Unknown

“Relationships in which we practice kindness and compassion are the ones that attract positive karma.” – Unknown

“Karma teaches us that we cannot escape the consequences of our actions in relationships, so it’s best to always choose love and respect.” – Unknown

“The energy you put into a relationship will determine the energy that comes back to you. Choose wisely.” – Unknown

“Karma works in relationships like a boomerang. What you send out will come back, so send love and positivity.” – Unknown MOST TOUCHING LOVE QUOTES

“In relationships, karma is always watching. Be mindful of your actions and intentions.” – Unknown

“Karma ensures that the love and effort you invest in a relationship will be reciprocated.” – Unknown

“The quality of your relationships will depend on the energy you bring to them. Karma knows this better than anyone.” – Unknown

“In relationships, karma gives you what you deserve, not what you desire. So be mindful of your intentions.” – Unknown

“Karma teaches us that what we give, we receive. Nurture your relationships, and they will return the favor.” – Unknown

“Your actions in relationships have a ripple effect that will be felt in the energy you attract. Choose love and positivity.” – Unknown

“Karma knows the truth behind every relationship. Be authentic and honest, and you’ll attract the same energy.” – Unknown

“Karma reminds us that we should never take our relationships for granted. Cherish and nurture them.” – Unknown

“A healthy relationship is a result of good karma. Choose to love, forgive, and grow together.” – Unknown

“The energy you invest in your relationships will determine the energy that surrounds you. Choose wisely.” – Unknown

“Karma will ensure that your relationships always reflect the energy you put into them. So choose positivity and love.” – Unknown