“Love shouldn’t hurt.”

“Real love doesn’t need fists.”

“Violence is the opposite of love.”

“A healthy relationship is built on respect, not fear.”

“There is never an excuse for abuse.”

“Love should build you up, not tear you down.”

“Abuse is never the victim’s fault.”

“No one deserves to be treated with violence or cruelty.”

“Love should never be about power and control.”

“Real strength lies in kindness, not in aggression.”

“Violence is the ultimate betrayal of love.” QUEEN ELIZABETH QUOTES SHORT

“There is no love in abuse, only manipulation.”

“In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel safe.”

“Love should never leave you with physical or emotional scars.”

“An abusive relationship will never lead to happiness or fulfillment.”

“You deserve a love without violence and fear.”

“Abuse is a cycle that needs to be broken.”

“Happily ever after doesn’t include violence.”

“Don’t confuse love with possessiveness or control.”

“Put an end to the cycle of violence; choose love instead.”