“Though you may be far away, you are always close in our hearts.”

“In my heart, you will always be a cherished memory.”

“Your departure left a void in our lives, but your spirit remains with us forever.”

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day.”

“Gone from this earth, but never forgotten.”

“Your time on earth may have ended, but your light will forever shine.”

“You may be gone, but your presence is felt in every gentle breeze.”

“Heaven gained an angel, but we lost a beloved one.”

“Your memory is a treasure we will hold onto forever.”

“Although we miss you dearly, we are grateful for the time we had with you.”

“You may be gone, but the love and bond we shared will always remain.”

“The memory of your smile will forever brighten our days.”

“To live in the hearts of those we love is never to die.”

“Your legacy lives on in our hearts and in the lives you touched.” BEST QUOTES FOR BROTHER FROM SISTER

“While we cannot see you, we can feel your presence every day.”

“The world may have lost you, but heaven gained an extraordinary soul.”

“Your spirit continues to guide us, even from beyond the veil.”

“Thank you for the beautiful memories and the love you brought into our lives.”

“In our hearts, you will always be young and vibrant.”

“Though we may shed tears, we celebrate the joy you brought into our lives.”

“You may be physically absent, but your spirit will forever remain by our side.”

“Your impact on this world will never be forgotten.”

“We remember your laughter, your kindness, and the love you gave so freely.”

“Those we love are never truly lost; they live in our hearts forever.”

“Our memories of you will always hold a special place in our hearts.”

“Your legacy is one of love, strength, and courage.”

“While we grieve your absence, we take comfort in knowing you are in a better place.”