“I respect those who can laugh at themselves and not take life too seriously.” – Unknown

“Respect your haters, they’re just confused admirers.” – Unknown

“I may not always agree with you, but I will always respect your ridiculous opinion.” – Unknown

“Respect is like a mirror, the more you show it to others, the more it reflects back on you.” – Unknown

“Respect your elders. They graduated from school without Google.” – Unknown

“Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are.” – Unknown

“I respect those who smile in trouble, gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” – Leonardo da Vinci

“Respect your haters. It means you’re doing something right.” – Unknown

“Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned.” – Unknown

“I respect people who feel things passionately, even if I don’t agree with them.” – Unknown

“Respect your parents; they passed school without the internet.” – Unknown

“I respect people with proper grammar but I also respect everyone else.” – Unknown

“Respect is not something you can demand, it’s something you earn.” – Unknown

“Respect everyone’s beliefs. Except Flat Earthers, they don’t believe in globe-al warming.” – Unknown PAIN MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE QUOTES

“I respect those who tell me the truth, no matter how hard it is.” – Unknown

“Respect others, even if they can’t even spell ‘respect’.” – Unknown

“I respect those who tell it like it is, even if they tell it like it isn’t.” – Unknown

“Respect your haters, they’re the ones who think you’re better than them.” – Unknown

“I respect those who always speak their minds, even if their minds are questionable.” – Unknown

“Respect your haters, because they’re the ones who think you’re worth their time.” – Unknown

“I respect those who can remain calm in all situations. An infinite well of stress-relief would be nice.” – Unknown

“Respect your haters, they’re just insecure fans.” – Unknown

“I respect those who can make me laugh when I’m feeling down.” – Unknown

“Respect everyone’s opinions, even if you disagree. It’s a lot easier to respect stupidity than it is to try to explain it away.” – Unknown

“I respect those who can see the funny side of life, even in the most serious situations.” – Unknown

“Respect everyone’s feelings, even if it means pretending to care.” – Unknown

“I respect those who can find humor in everyday situations, life is too short to be serious all the time.” – Unknown