“I’ve always gone by the mantra that if you’re lucky enough to be laughing at something, you shouldn’t analyze it too much.”

“I’m not a big fan of religion. I don’t believe in God, but I have a great respect for people who do.”

“I don’t lose sleep over what I say. I only worry if I say things that are factually incorrect.”

“The best advice I’ve ever received is, ‘No one else knows what they’re doing either.'”

“I think the worst thing you can do as a comedian is just to be funny.”

“I like animals, all animals. I wouldn’t hurt a cat or a dog – or a chicken or a cow. And I wouldn’t ask someone else to hurt them for me.”

“You won’t burn in hell. But be nice anyway.”

“For the most part, people are really nice to me, even if they hate my comedy.”

“I hate when people say, ‘He’s very brave to be doing that.’ This is not brave. I’ve bravely spoken out against tyranny, genocide, and people who sing Christmas songs in November.”

“Just because you’re offended, doesn’t mean you’re right.”

“The more you know, the sadder you get.”

“Comedy has to be smart. You can’t just be cruel and break cruelty records.”

“I’m an atheist, and that’s it. I believe there’s nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people.”

“The best thing about being a comedian is that if I don’t like what I’m doing, I can just change it.” NEW BEGINNING FIRST HOME QUOTES

“The great thing about life is randomness, and I think that’s what comedy is all about.”

“I can’t read fiction. I don’t have the patience for it. I get impatient with made-up stories.”

“I’ve always loved stand-up comedy because it’s just you and the audience. There’s no script.”

“If you can’t joke about the most horrendous things in the world, what’s the point of jokes?”

“I don’t know why people say comedians are brave. There’s nothing brave about it.”

“I try not to take myself too seriously. I just try to be myself, be honest about who I am and what I do.”

“There are ‘offensive’ and ‘inoffensive’ jokes. It’s like labeling jokes as ‘funny’ and ‘unfunny’. It’s a personal preference.”

“Being famous is like a circus. You’re on show, and you can’t control what people say or do.”

“I think if you want to stay relevant, you’ve got to take chances and be brave and do things that are different.”

“There’s nothing wrong with being a little silly sometimes. Life’s too short to be serious all the time.”

“Atheism isn’t a philosophy; it’s not even a view of the world; it’s simply an admission of the obvious.”

“I’ve always said, ‘Do what you love, and the money will follow.’ If you love what you’re doing, you’re wealthy no matter what.”

“I like to say that laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God.”