“I believe in the power of individuals to create prosperity and opportunity for themselves and their communities.”

“Our goal is to create a country that is open, outward-looking, and innovative.”

“We will always back the innovators, the risk-takers, and the entrepreneurs who are driving our economy forward.”

“I want to see a country where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background.”

“We will focus on creating an economy that works for everybody, not just the privileged few.”

“I am committed to ensuring that the government spends every penny of taxpayer money wisely and efficiently.”

“I believe in the power of free markets and competition to drive innovation and growth.”

“We need to invest in infrastructure to support a thriving economy and drive regional growth.”

“We will work to ensure that our public services are properly funded and deliver value for taxpayers.”

“Our priority is to make the UK a global leader in science and innovation.”

“I want to see a society that is compassionate and caring, where we support those in need and provide opportunities for all.”

“We will support small businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive and create jobs.”

“I believe in the power of education to transform lives and unlock opportunities.”

“We will invest in skills and training to ensure that everyone has the chance to succeed in the modern economy.”

“I am determined to tackle inequality and create a fairer society for all.” A NEW DAY QUOTES FROM THE BIBLE

“We will build an immigration system that attracts the brightest and best talent to our country.”

“Our financial services sector will remain globally competitive and resilient.”

“We will seize the opportunities of digital technology to drive productivity and growth.”

“We will ensure that the UK remains a great place to do business, with a strong regulatory framework that promotes innovation.”

“We will work to reduce the burden of red tape and bureaucracy on businesses.”

“I believe in low taxes to stimulate investment and growth.”

“We will support the development and growth of renewable energy sources.”

“We will support the creative industries and cultural sector, which are vital to our economy and society.”

“We will invest in research and development to drive innovation and create new industries.”

“We will protect and enhance the natural environment for future generations.”

“We will work to deliver a smooth and orderly Brexit that protects jobs and economic stability.”

“I am committed to promoting a global Britain that is engaged with the world and open to trade.”

“We will invest in our infrastructure, from roads and railways to broadband, to support economic growth and improve quality of life.”