“I don’t want to be a pop star. I want to be a legend.”

“I’m not arrogant, I’m just not one of those people who wants to be liked by everyone.”

“I’m Robbie Williams, and I do what I want.”

“You know, I’m not a bad guy. I try to live my life the right way. I do the best I can with what I’ve got.”

“I’ve always had self-belief, even when I wasn’t a success.”

“Music is my therapy.”

“I am a walking contradiction, a puzzling anomaly, an oxymoron.”

“I can’t change myself, so I look at changing the rules.”

“I’m not a massive fan of myself.”

“I think the whole point of fame and success is to have as much control over it as possible.”

“I never really felt I gave anyone a fake version of myself.”

“My addictions are poker and cigarettes and golf. I guess you always replace one addiction with another.”

“I have an addictive personality.” QUOTES ABOUT CANOEING

“I have made mistakes, learned lessons, grown from love and been hurt. But I want to be better, not bitter.”

“I’d rather be lonely than pretend to be someone everything thinks I should be.”

“The only way I can guarantee to have no regrets is to live with complete authenticity.”

“Success is more than just about achieving; it’s about believing, too.”

“I live an unconventional life, and I think most people aspire to live a conventional life.”

“I’m an open book in a world of secret diplomacy.”

“My biggest fear is that I’ll think I’ve got something to say, but find out that I haven’t.”

“I think a lot of people are threatened by me.”

“I have no filter, so I don’t think before I speak.”

“I’m not particularly profound.”

“Keep the fame, give me the fortune.”