“I will never fall behind again, I will not lose anyone anymore… I am done with running away!” – Nico Robin

“History… is not about the victors or the vanquished. It’s about the people who write it.” – Nico Robin

“There is someone I must meet again. And until that day… not even Death himself can take my life away!” – Nico Robin

“True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.” – Nico Robin

“The only ones who should kill are those prepared to be killed.” – Nico Robin

“Even in the depths of darkness, there will always be a light guiding you through.” – Nico Robin

“The moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate.” – Nico Robin

“One day, I’ll discover the true history of the world, and when I do, I’ll uncover the true reason why I was born!” – Nico Robin

“The past should guide us, but we should not let it define who we are.” – Nico Robin

“The world is full of darkness and light, it’s up to us to balance it.” – Nico Robin

“I’ve survived because I’m smarter than the people around me, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to stay alive.” – Nico Robin

“Even if everyone calls you a liar, even if you hate yourself, I’ll be your ally.” – Nico Robin

“No matter how deep the night, it always turns to day. No matter how long the rain, it always stops. And no matter how hard you fall, you can always get back up.” – Nico Robin

“I’ve already seen the depths of hell. There’s nothing left to fear.” – Nico Robin

“People don’t fear death, fear comes from the unknown. If we learn more about the world, we can conquer that fear.” – Nico Robin

“Even if I’m washed off the face of the earth… I will not cease to exist.” – Nico Robin BROTHER AND SISTER QUOTES IN TAMIL

“No matter what darkness may surround me, I will always keep searching for the light.” – Nico Robin

“I have no intention of running away. If everyone stays here, I will stay too.” – Nico Robin

“Being alone is more painful than getting hurt.” – Nico Robin

“As long as we join forces, we can overcome any obstacle.” – Nico Robin

“Sometimes, admitting weakness is the strongest thing you can do.” – Nico Robin

“Strength isn’t just about physical power. Mental strength is just as important.” – Nico Robin

“The value of life is not in its duration, but in its contribution.” – Nico Robin

“Hope is like a flame, it can never be extinguished as long as there is a will to keep going.” – Nico Robin

“In the eyes of someone who doesn’t think they’re worth saving, they’re just a burden to those who save them.” – Nico Robin

“The ability to accept the truth and move forward is what makes a person strong.” – Nico Robin

“The world may be a cruel place, but fighting against that cruelty is what makes us human.” – Nico Robin

“Live your life without regrets, for even the worst mistakes can lead to the greatest triumphs.” – Nico Robin

“Sometimes, all you need is one person who believes in you.” – Nico Robin

“Strength is not just about physical power, it’s about the will to never give up.” – Nico Robin