“I’m living a dream I never want to wake up from.”

“Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable.”

“I know I’m a good professional, I know that no one’s harder on me than myself.”

“I’m not a perfectionist, but I like to feel that things are done well. More important than that, I feel an endless need to learn, to improve, to evolve.”

“I have to live like a warrior – rise and grind every morning, and keep moving forward.”

“I’m just going to go out and be the best version of myself.”

“I don’t look at myself as the best, I look at myself as someone who can become better every day.”

“My father’s love gave me the strength to overcome hardship and strive for success.”

“I want to consistently play well and win titles. That’s my motivation, and that’s what I’m refusing to give up on.”

“I don’t mind people hating me, because it pushes me.”

“Talent without working hard is nothing.”

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” CHRISTMAS MISSING FAMILY QUOTES

“I prefer other people to make judgments about the way I play and to characterize me, rather me describe myself.”

“Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable.”

“In football, every day counts in your career – you have to keep training hard to stay at the top.”

“My ambition is limitless. I’m not content with being the best, I want to be remembered as one of the greatest.”

“I don’t want to be compared to Pelé, Maradona or Messi – I want to be compared to Cristiano Ronaldo.”

“I love to prove people wrong. I’m driven by achieving the impossible.”

“Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, dreams are things which do not let you sleep.”

“When you have talent, you work hard. I’ve become a better player because I’ve trained hard.”

“I’m extremely ambitious, and I don’t like to settle for less than what I deserve.”

“I have my dedication and my talent, but hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”