“Sometimes, the sadness is so overwhelming, it feels like it will never end.”

“Tears are words that the heart cannot express.”

“It hurts to breathe because every breath I take, reminds me of you.”

“We all have our demons, and sometimes they win.”

“When you’re drowning in sadness, it’s hard to find the surface.”

“Sadness is a heavy burden to carry, it weighs down every aspect of life.”

“The saddest part about sadness is that it’s a silent battle. No one knows how much you’re hurting.”

“Sometimes, the sadness is so deep, it seeps into your bones.”

“Life is an endless cycle of heartbreak and disappointment.”

“Sometimes, all you can do is cry until the tears run dry.”

“Sadness can creep in like a cold fog, clouding your mind and stealing your joy.”

“Empty hearts make the most noise.” NOTE TO SELF QUOTE

“In the depths of sadness, it feels like the world has turned its back on you.”

“When sadness knocks on your door, you can’t just ignore it. It demands to be felt.”

“Tears are a silent way of saying, ‘I’m broken.'”

“The saddest people are the ones who hide behind a smile.”

“Sometimes, the pain is too much to bear. It consumes you and leaves you feeling empty.”

“Sadness is like a storm; it’s dark, fierce, and leaves destruction in its wake.”

“Every tear that falls is a reminder of the pain that lies within.”

“The saddest thing is not being able to feel anything at all.”

“In the silence of sadness, the loudest screams can be heard.”

“Sadness is a language that only those who have felt it can understand.”