“Love is a cruel master, it taunts us with its promises, only to leave us wounded in its wake.” – Unknown

“It hurts to love someone who doesn’t love you back.” – Unknown

“Love is the greatest tragedy, for it brings both immense joy and profound sorrow.” – Unknown

“They say love is blind, but sometimes it chooses to see the flaws and break our hearts.” – Unknown

“Love is a battle, a merciless war where only the strongest survive.” – Unknown

“Love can be like a book with missing pages, leaving us longing for a conclusion that will never come.” – Unknown

“Love is a fragile flower that wilts and dies if not nurtured and cherished.” – Unknown

“In love, we willingly risk our hearts, knowing that they may end up shattered in the end.” – Unknown

“Love is the bittersweet melody that plays on a broken heart.” – Unknown

“To love deeply is to expose our vulnerabilities, inviting pain and heartache into our lives.” – Unknown

“Love can give us wings, but it can just as easily break them.” – Unknown

“Love is not always enough to sustain a relationship, sometimes it fades like the dying embers of a fire.” – Unknown

“Love is a double-edged sword, capable of inflicting both immense joy and unbearable sadness.” – Unknown

“Love is a storm that can leave behind a path of destruction in its wake.” – Unknown

“Love is a labyrinth, where we get lost and struggle to find our way back to ourselves.” – Unknown NEW FINANCIAL YEAR QUOTES

“Love is like a puzzle with missing pieces, a constant reminder of what is incomplete.” – Unknown

“Love is a fading mirage, elusive and fleeting.” – Unknown

“Love is the ache in your chest when you know it’s over but your heart refuses to let go.” – Unknown

“Love is a delicate dance, and sometimes we step on each other’s toes, leaving us bruised and wounded.” – Unknown

“In love, we often find ourselves in the depths of despair, questioning if it was ever worth it.” – Unknown

“Love can blind us to the harsh realities, until we are left with nothing but the bitter truth.” – Unknown

“Love is a marathon, testing our endurance and strength, sometimes leaving us broken at the finish line.” – Unknown

“Love can be both a prison and a refuge, trapping us in its confines while providing solace in our darkest moments.” – Unknown

“Love is a hollow promise, whispered softly but rarely fulfilled.” – Unknown

“Love is a masquerade, concealing our true selves and leaving us yearning for authenticity.” – Unknown

“Love is a losing game, where the stakes are high and the odds are never in our favor.” – Unknown

“Love is a melancholy melody that plays on repeat, haunting our every thought and reminding us of what we’ve lost.” – Unknown

“Love is a delicate balance between bliss and agony, where the line between joy and sadness is often blurred.” – Unknown