“Sometimes, the people you thought would never change, do.”

“It hurts when the person you love becomes someone you used to know.”

“It’s hard to hold onto someone who doesn’t want to be held.”

“The biggest disappointment is when you realize that people you trusted were just pretending.”

“Sometimes, you have to give up on people, not because you don’t care, but because they don’t.”

“When you’re really close to someone, they can do things that hurt more than anything, and it’s still really hard to let go.”

“No matter how hard I try, some people will never change.”

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.”

“It’s difficult to detach from someone you’ve never let go of emotionally.”

“Realizing that you were just an option for someone who was your priority hurts the most.”

“People change and forget to tell each other.”

“It’s heartbreaking when you have to force yourself to stop caring for someone who means everything to you.”

“It hurts when you know you were once everything they wanted, and now you’re just an option.”

“You never really know what’s going on in someone’s life until you truly listen.”

“Sometimes, the people who smile the most are hurting the most.” WORLD BOOK DAY QUOTES

“Behind every successful person is a lot of unsuccessful years.”

“Depression is the feeling of being alone in a room full of people.”

“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and no one notices.”

“The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling to stop the tears from falling.”

“One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else.”

“Sometimes, it’s easier to pretend you don’t care than to admit that you’re hurting.”

“Sometimes, the deepest scars are the ones no one sees.”

“It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.”

“Life can be cruel sometimes. It just keeps moving forward, no matter how hard your heart is breaking.”

“The people who are silent, are usually the ones who are hurting the most.”

“The worst feeling is when you’re crying out for help, but no one seems to hear you.”

“It’s tiring to hold onto someone who doesn’t want to be held.”

“Sometimes, the person who broke you is the only one who can fix you.”