“Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.” – Unknown

“It’s a sad truth that elegance and intelligence can easily be overcome by a mistake.” – Stieg Larsson

“The saddest part of making mistakes is realizing you did it to yourself.” – Unknown

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

“We all make mistakes, but the sad part is that some people never learn from them.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the biggest mistakes we make are the ones we don’t even realize.” – Unknown

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” – James Joyce

“A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” – Paulo Coelho

“My life might be full of mistakes, but they were never intentional.” – Unknown

“The saddest part of life is having regrets. No matter how old you get or how successful you become, there will always be mistakes and regrets.” – Unknown

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.” – Unknown

“Regret is a moment of realization, and it is the worst kind of pain. Because it’s in that moment that you realize you’ve made a mistake.” – Unknown

“Regret is a funny thing; you always regret the same mistakes, but somehow, you never regret new ones.” – Unknown

“Making mistakes and learning from them is one of the most beautiful things about being human.” – Unknown SILENCE IS THE BEST WEAPON QUOTES

“The saddest part about mistakes is that we often don’t see them until it’s too late.” – Unknown

“You will make mistakes, but the most important thing is to learn from them, forgive yourself, and move on.” – Roy T. Bennett

“A mistake made once is a lesson; a mistake made twice is a choice; a mistake made thrice is a habit.” – Unknown

“Mistakes are like bruises; they may be painful, but they heal with time.” – Unknown

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying, and trying is always better than not trying at all.” – Unknown

“The saddest part of making a mistake is knowing that you hurt someone you care about.” – Unknown

“Mistakes are the stepping stones to wisdom.” – Unknown

“The sad truth is that sometimes we don’t learn from our mistakes; we just make different ones.” – Unknown

“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” – James Joyce

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford

“Regret is a wasted emotion. The only way to move forward is to learn from your mistakes and make better choices.” – Unknown

“It’s a sad mistake to try to analyze failed relationships. Sometimes, all you can do is accept that it wasn’t meant to be.” – Unknown

“The saddest part about making mistakes is the feeling of disappointment that comes with it.” – Unknown